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TZANEEN: Progress hopes dam-pened

Conflicting information regarding the completion of the Tzaneen Dam Wall project from the Minister of Water and Sanitation leaves local farmers and residents none the wiser.

A few weeks ago, LETABA HERALD reported on feedback received from the office of the Minister of Water and Sanitation via the DA, Shadow Minister of Water and Sanitation, Leon Basson on the status of the dam wall project.

According to that information, the project has been costed and everyone is just waiting for the Minister to give the goahead to continue with the work which will be carried out by the Dam Construction Unit from the department.

Total estimated cost for the project is in the region R250 million, with R80 million being available in the current financial year.

However, information now received states that although a conditional license for the proposed raising of the dam wall was issued in August 2016 to allow for the storage of construction material, the development of quarries / borrow pits and the demolition of four metres of concrete from the top of the existing wall (on which R88 531 738 has been spent), no application for a license or a detailed design report with drawings was received by the Dam Safety Office. The cost on completion is now estimated at a staggering R600 million.

The last Dam Safety Evaluation of the Tzaneen Dam by an approved professional person, was carried out in September 2011 according to information. Basson told the LETABA HERALD on Monday that he has an appointment with the Minister of Water and Sanitation on Wednesday to discuss the situation.

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Bertus de Bruyn

Bertus de Bruyn is based in Mbombela, Mpumalanga. De Bruyn has been employed by Caxton since 2009. After a short sabbatical of two years, De Bruyn is back at the place he called home, Caxton, at Lowveld Media. He is currently the digital content manager, but has 14 years of journalism skills, news editor, and acting editor duties behind his name.

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