
Lowveld Academy embraces science week

Lowveld Academy (LA) participated in the National Science Week (NSW) with Dr Joyful Mdlhuli, an astronomer, as their guest.

NSW is an annual initiative presented by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) that celebrates science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and innovation (STEMI).

In pursuit of this goal, the African Astronomical Society (AfAS) and the IAU-GA 2024 Outreach and Education Committee actively engaged with learners and teachers locally to provide career guidance and conduct a series of outreach activities. These included stargazing sessions, hands-on experiments, interactive presentations, and enlightening workshops, all tailored to each school they visited. On August 2, LA’s grade RR to grade 6 interacted with Mdlhuli.

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She said she was impressed by the responses from the young minds during their engaging discussions on astronomy and its potential as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, and depression through stargazing. One learner shared how they spend five hours a night stargazing, showcasing their keen interest in this awe-inspiring field. The level of understanding displayed by the learners, especially in the younger grades, regarding scientists and their work was truly remarkable, she said.

“I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the school principal for welcoming me and allowing me to interact with the learners. LA has proven to be a nurturing environment, fostering the next generation of scientists, doctors, engineers, and more. “While many of them may currently be interested in making potions, I firmly believe that with proper guidance and support, these young minds can undoubtedly become the great scientists they aspire to be,” Mdlhuli concluded.

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