Putting your dustbin out the night before is a security risk
While it may seem logical to put your wheelie dustbin on the pavement the night before collection morning, it is in fact a security risk, warns Fidelity ADT.
Fidelity ADT’s National Marketing and Communications Manager, Charnel Hattingh, says putting your dustbin out early means that it sits on the pavement overnight and can be used as a perfect stepladder to get up into a tree and over a wall.
“We are also seeing that recyclers want to have first-pickings of the dustbins contents so they are entering suburbs during the day and night now which of course causes security issues,” she says.
Hattingh added that the bins are being bumped over, blocking driveways, which means residents have to get out of their cars in the morning to move the bins exposing them to potential hijackings in the early hours.
“Dustbins also provide a good hiding place for hijackers who may target residents returning from work in the evenings. Particularly at this time of year when it gets darker earlier.”
She urges residents to only put their dustbins out on the morning of collection day.
“If you are not going to return home at the end of a collection day, ask a neighbour to take your dustbin in. A dustbin left standing on the pavement is a dead give-a-way that there is nobody home. Hattingh reminded residents to never put anything in their dustbin that has personal details on it.
“Always shred confidential information”.
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