TRAC boosts road safety awareness for Easter Weekend
Traffic volumes are expected to increase along the N4 between Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Maputo over the Easter weekend.

Statistics indicate that the Easter weekend is the busiest weekend of the year on the route, and traffic volumes are expected to peak as follows:
Thursday 28 March: 11:00 – 20:00
Friday 29 March: 08:00 – 14:00
Monday 1 April: 09:00 – 17:00
TRAC’s N4 Easter Road Safety Awareness and Swift Response Campaign will commence on Thursday morning and conclude on Tuesday.
The first element of the campaign comprises a road safety activation on Friday at Alzu Petroport, where TRAC teams will interact with road users, focusing on road safety education to generate awareness.
Road users will also have the opportunity to enjoy some freebies (including freshly brewed Mugg n Bean filter coffee) while learning more about what the TRAC N4 Route offers, including the TRAC 24-hour Helpdesk and TRACAssist.
The TRAC 24-hour Helpdesk is available 365 days a year and is the communication point between road users and TRAC’s roadside assistance units. In view of this, road users are urged to save the toll-free helpdesk numbers – 0800 87 22 64 (RSA) / 800 9022 (Moz) – on their cellphones in case of an emergency
or incident on the route, or should they need to make an enquiry.
The second element of the initiative will see TRACAssist units, which work closely with emergency service stakeholders, stationed at TRAC’s mainline plazas and other strategic points along the route.
This leg of the campaign is geared to reduce response times to roadside emergencies and incidents. TRAC’s patrol units will also be on full alert throughout this period, conducting multiple daily patrols to remain proactive in keeping the road safe and clear for all road users.
Although TRAC is not responsible for border post operations, it will again work with the management of both the Lebombo and Ressano Garcia Border Posts to assist with traffic management en route to these international crossing facilities. Assistance will include the provision of signage and other traffic accommodation requirements.
TRAC urges road users to plan their trips to avoid delays at these international crossings, which are extremely busy during Easter.
All roadworks will be suspended for the long weekend, however, construction sites will still be deemed active. Traffic accommodation, where there will only be one lane per direction, will be in effect between Malalane and the Malelane Kruger Gate/TSB turnoff to accommodate roadworks in these areas.
Road users are urged to be cautious and observe related signage when travelling through these road construction areas.
TRAC once again calls on road users to obey all road safety regulations and be mindful of fellow road users.
Disregarding road rules can have dire consequences, including serious injury and death.
With national road accident statistics showing that most automobile accidents are due to negligent driving and poor road user behaviour, TRAC appeals to all those travelling along the route to be responsible and law-abiding.
Road users needing roadside assistance on the route are urged to call the TRAC 24-hour Helpdesk in South Africa on 0800 87 22 64 (toll-free) or 082 881 4444 and in Mozambique on 800 9022.