Residents clean up bird sanctuary
MIDRAND - Some Glen Austin residents set time aside on 22 June to host a clean up at the Glen Austin Bird Sanctuary.

The sanctuary is home to many birds and a group of Flamingos.
Those participating in the campaign were disappointed to find twenty bags of used nappies thrown over the fence into the nesting area.
“Only someone in a vehicle would be able to transport so many bags,” said one of the participants adding that within an hour the whole area was cleaned up.”
“It was noticed that on the streets leading to the Bird Sanctuary there was a lot of litter and we appeal to residents to clean up any litter outside their properties,” she said.
Meanwhile, The Glen Austin Conservancy Committee often organises a Breakfasts at the Sanctuary event. This consists of an egg and bacon roll and orange juice.
Sun downers are also organised to watch the birds leave the sanctuary for their night roost, while nibbling on cheese and partaking of a glass of chilled wine.
Coming in July will be the “dog walk” and the ‘Gluhwein Evening.”