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Resident questions state of drinking water and Joburg Water report

NOORDWYK - Resident Leonie Groves said contaminated water killed her Koi fish.

“Joburg Water cut off water on 23 April and when water was turned back on , black water came out before it cleared. When we noticed this, we also noticed that my 11 Koi fish died,” she said.

Groves explained, ” A day after the contaminated water Joburg Water took a sample of the water from the outside tap at the property and tested it. On 6 May I received a report claiming that a microbiological and chemical analysis was done. The report stated that the results showed the water sample complies with the drinking water standard with respect to the parameters tested.”

“The report is inaccurate because a test was done after the contaminated water was cleared. I gave Joburg Water a sample of the contaminated water but I doubt they tested it. Needless to say, Koi fish are very expensive and I have lost 11 of them because of this incident.”

Groves said she thinks the report can not be correct. “If my Koi fish died from drinking that water, what effect is it having on human beings? I do not believe the water is okay for human consumption at all, my fish died and that is proof enough.”

Midrand Reporter has a copy of the report sent to Groves on 6 May from a property on Rooihout Street in Noordwyk. On the same day that Groves’ fish died, another resident sent a photograph of muddy water through BBM, but the colour of the water is not unusual when water has been turned off for maintenance.

Joburg Water spokesperson Millicent Kabwe said the water was tested and findings are correct. “We did a water analysis on the property and have spoken to the customer, the results are being analysed. We also sent a report to the customer.”

Do you believe that Joburg has good quality water? Tell us about your experiences!

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