Midrand SPCA team goes beyond their duty
MIDRAND — The SPCA team witnessed chickens living in poor conditions with no form of shelter.

Midrand SPCA inspectors were returning from court on March 7 when they spotted a hawkers stall where chickens were being kept in appalling conditions.
It was outside of Midrand SPCA’s area of operation but the inspectors Jerry Seemise, Ayanda Ngcofe-Carelseteam, and general manager Pam Pretorius simply could not drive by without intervening.

The chickens had no form of shelter from the harsh elements, no water, and were living in filthy living conditions to name a few.
The team took the time to educate the vendors and waited until their concerns were attended to and rectified. According to the Midrand SPCA, warnings were issued to the vendors and the relevant SPCA had been notified to conduct follow-up inspections at the site.
“Thank you team for never turning a blind eye to the cruelty out there. It is so easy these days to say ‘it’s not my job,’ but you continue to show your dedication and passion by stepping up even when it is not in your area of operation,” said Midrand SPCA in a statement.
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