
Cedarwood learners encouraged to be superhero readers

This year's theme for Cedarwood School's annual readathon was superheroes.

Graphic novels and comics are not only fun but exactly what children are interested in.

This is why the theme of Cedarwood School’s annual readathon, which took place from July 29 to August 4, was superheroes.

The annual readathon is a literacy awareness campaign which focuses on exciting activities and encourages the appreciation of the joy of reading

Cedarwood School teachers dress as superheroes for the school’s annual readathon. Photo: Supplied

The week-long event included a dress-up day, interactive games, a picnic in the garden with the headmaster, Dear (drop everything and read), making masks, word game competitions and other exciting activities.

Cedarwood School prep deputy principal Shannon Jacobs and learners dress as superheroes for the annual readathon. Photo: Supplied

The school is concerned with all aspects of the child’s development and provides activities and experience in the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive areas. Marketing manager at the school Lisa Ellis said, “At Cedarwood we live by our motto, ‘be the best that you can be, but this week we went one step further and encouraged the children to be superhero readers.

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