The ruling party campaigns in a different style ahead of the upcoming general election next year.

NUMBI – While spinners were doing what they did best, the ANC saw an opportunity to campaign at the one event that was attended mostly by the youth last Saturday.
The Numbi Gate Spin City was attended by people from the entire region. Teams from all over, performed there and presented various styles of spinning.
Cllr Morris Mazibane, the ANC zonal election coordinator of Hazyview, encouraged the youth to apply for identity documents, and vote so that they could be heard. “You need to do this so that you can vote for the ANC next year.”
When the Thubane brothers, Myboet and Bigboy built the venue, their aim was not about spinning only, but also to bring entertainment and fun to the people and also ensure their safety too. Laudrick Ground, the organiser said, “Building such a place was to try to minimise the spinning of vehicles on public roads, as many motorists and the public have complained that at times roads were closed due to vehicles spinning and they were also worried about their safety and that of their children.”
The venue hosts events on a quarterly basis throughout the year and invites spinners and crews from around Mpumalanga, Gauteng, Polokwane and Swaziland to attend. Crews and spinners who usually participate in these events are the Mpumalanga Sun Riders bikers, Jeff James of Gauteng, Team Y & Sons of Polokwane, Team Swazi of Swaziland, local spinners and their very own Team Numbi, the likes of Charles (Mabele) Maluka, and the Thubane brothers Siyabonga, Samkeliso and Muzi. “Spinning can also be expensive as all participants are compensated for their expenses,” says Ground.
Events are usually promoted on their Facebook account, Numbigate spincity.