7 ways to avoid disaster at your year-end function
It's that time of the year again... Here are a few guidelines to prevent the party from getting out of hand.
Set a time limit
Set a definite start and end time to your business’ year-end function and state this on the invitation; it will be easier to draw the line between the work function and any incidents at after-party socialising.
Inspect the party premises
Check out the venue for obvious safety hazards like stair cases, balconies and slip hazards.
Food and non-alcoholic drinks
Ensure that there is enough substantial food and non-alcoholic drinks available to lessen the possibility of people over indulging in alcohol.
Set a limit on free booze
Set a limit on the amount of free alcohol that can be served either in quantity or through a limit on the bar tab.
Don’t drink and drive
Arrange transport for your staff who have been drinking and prevent any intoxicated staff members from driving.
Freedom of choice
Do not make the event compulsory for staff. Some staff may not want to attend because of religious or cultural reasons.
Anonymous gifts
If you organise a Secret Santa gift exchange, make it clear that gifts should not be offensive, and should not contain sexual content or anything that could be racially offensive – even if it is meant as a joke.