Going down! Eskom announces some load-shedding relief

A good start to the week sees the stages of rolling power cuts reduced.

Load-shedding will be reduced to stage 1 at noon, Eskom has announced.

Power utility spokesperson Daphne Mokwena says that due to an improvement in generation capacity, this stage will be implemented until 16:00.

She says stage 1 will be followed by stage 3 from 16:00 until 05:00 tomorrow – this was previously communicated as stage 4. Thereafter, load-shedding will be implemented as previously communicated, with the pattern of stage 2 from 05:00-16:00 and stage 4 from 16:00-05:00, she explains.

An update will be provided should there be any significant changes to the system, Mokwena adds.


Stage 1: From 12:00-16:00
Stage 3: From 16:00 until 05:00 tomorrow
Stage 2: From tomorrow daily between 05:00-16:00
Stage 4: From tomorrow daily between 16:00-05:00

Read original story on www.citizen.co.za

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