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By Cornelia Le Roux

Digital Deputy News Editor

‘Google me!’: Ajay Gupta’s words to builder who committed suicide

The builder allegedly wrote in his suicide note that Ajay Gupta dared him to Google him and his South African past.

Ajay Gupta and his brother-in-law Anil Gupta were taken into custody by police on Friday at their home in the Dalanwala area of Dehradun for reportedly abetting the suicide of prominent builder Satyendra Singh Sahni.

It is against the law in India to drive someone to the point of taking their own life.

If found guilty, the Guptas could face 10 years behind bars and a fine.

SA’s Ajay Gupta or not? Govt to approach Indian authorities

According to police, Sahni stated in his suicide note that the Guptas had been threatening him over financial matters related to a construction partnership project.

In a report from The New Indian Express, the publication alleges that the incident is connected to the “Ajay” from the State Capture-accused Gupta brothers who are believed to still be on the loose.

Notorious band of brothers

In response to the media reports, Justice Minister Ronald Lamola said yesterday that it was “unclear” whether the Ajay from the arrest, was one of the notorious band of brothers who fled to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2018.

This after law enforcement agencies ramped up their investigations into allegations of State Capture regarding the trio. Interpol issued a red notice for the Gupta brothers in 2023.

Department of Justice spokesperson Chrispin Phiri said that the government will be contacting the High Commissioner of India in light of the latest developments.

‘Extremely dangerous’ background

Rapport reported on Sunday morning that the builder made some statements in his hand-written suicide note which seem to point to the one and only Ajay whom South Africans have come to know along with his younger brothers, Atul and Rajesh.

In his note, which the publication claims to have seen, the deceased builder refers to Ajay Gupta’s “extremely dangerous background” as a “fraudster”.

“Ajay Gupta stressed me and my business partner out because of his background. We were too afraid to say anything in front of him due to his extremely dangerous background. He is a notorious fraudster.

“We are too scared of Ajay and Anil, especially because public funds are involved in this project…I will rather commit suicide,” Sanhi wrote.