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After the rain comes the fair in Ballito

Funds raised will, apart from the normal charity projects, also support flood relief efforts across the district.

From Christmas Country Fair to Easter Fair, but then came the April storms that ravaged the coast.

This forced the organisers to postpone and rebrand the Easter Fair to After The Storm Country Fair, which will now be held on Friday and Saturday (May 27-28) at Collisheen Estate.

The fair will be held under the theme ‘When Women Gather’ and is organised by the Christmas Fair Fund, a non-profit organisation started by a group of farmers’ wives in 1952 to support worthy causes and organisations. Presently, it serves as a fundraiser agent for about 28 projects.

“This year we celebrate the ladies who have given their time and talent to help ensure the success of the fair fund,” said coordinator, Michelle Blake.

“As with the fund’s main annual event, quality remain the name of the game as products and suppliers are handpicked. Our aim is to find the best of the best.”

Visitors will have a selection of 75 stall holders and vendors to look forward to.

With the time of season being just right, pomegranates and by-products of the fruit will also make an appearance.

The fair will be open from 8.30am-4pm on both days.

Tickets are available at quicket.co.za at R70 per day, or R100 for two days.

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