The young Groutville fashion designer who specialises in school uniforms, Simphiwe Khomo recently donated two beds and a bar fridge to the Groutville High School sick room.
Khomo said he thought it was time to give back to the school that was the first in the KwaDukuza area to support his idea of redesigning school uniforms.
The 31-year-old’s first contract came from Groutville High School after they asked him to make a tie as a sample. Fortunately, the school was impressed with his work.
Also read: A principled principal at Groutville High
Since then he has been producing solid work for seven schools in KwaDukza and Durban.
“They believed in me and allowed me to make their school uniform,” said Khomo.
“I wanted the children to feel comfortable and have pride in their school uniforms. You must create a design that will grab their attention and instill pride,” said Khomo.
Groutville High School principal, Nhlanhla Mbele, thanked Khomo for the support and dedication to his work.
“I spend most of my time at the school, so if I need a nap, I now have a bed to sleep on,” joked Mbele.
Teachers and pupils were also excited about the donation by Khomo and thanked him for his support.
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