PeopleVryheid Herald

From poverty to promise, Nongoma artist carves his path in the music industry

''In the symphony of adversity, my melody echoes resilience, my lyrics reverberate determination and my story inspires hope in the hearts of aspiring artists across South Africa.''

In the heart of KwaNongoma, amid the challenges of poverty, a young talent has emerged and is shaping his destiny through beats and rhymes.
26-year-old Zothiwani Jnr II Buthelezi, better known by his stage name ‘Judas Stone’, has been known to show resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Stone, who was raised in KwaNongoma, has endless passion for music, which was ignited at the tender age of 13. With nothing but a phone and a speaker, he and his crew called YOT embarked on their musical journey and began crafting their sound, despite lacking the resources to properly record their tracks. Stone’s talent did not go unnoticed though. While attending high school in KwaNongoma, he and his partner, Percywayne Simangaliso Mpanza, formed a formidable duo that dominated music performance competitions by consistently clinching the top spot and winning cash prizes.
The turning point came in 2016 when Stone and Mpanza secured a multi-million rand deal with Music House KZN, a government agency dedicated to nurturing talent. However, their dreams were short-lived, as mismanagement and political turmoil led to the collapse of the institution, leaving the duo with only three recorded singles and shattered dreams.
Stone pursued higher education, studying management at the Durban University of Technology, but his passion for music never vanished. Determined to carve his own path, he founded YOT Society Media Records (YSMR), a record label focused on music publishing and copyright legalities. Currently based in Durban, Stone is tirelessly working on his third joint project called ‘Pho 2 La II’, alongside acclaimed hip-hop artist and sound engineer Zamo ‘Mr Sykotic’ Zuma.
Building on their previous successes with projects like ‘Pho 2 La’ and ‘Pink Water’, the upcoming album aims to depict the realities and aspirations of South African artists in the entertainment industry. Despite facing setbacks and unfulfilled promises from industry giants, Stone remains undeterred, fuelled by the belief that his record label and music will one day dominate the African continent.
‘’I am grateful for the support of national radio stations such as Ukhozi FM for airplay and media houses that recognise my journey. I continues to strive for excellence, embodying the spirit of a young hustler determined to make a difference. In the symphony of adversity, my melody echoes resilience, my lyrics reverberate determination and my story inspires hope in the hearts of aspiring artists across South Africa. As I pave my way through the tumultuous terrain of the music industry, I remain a beacon of promise and possibility.’’

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The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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