A joint operation by various stock theft units and the K-9 Unit resulted in numerous arrests and the recovery of stolen livestock.
Assisted by Ladysmith Farm Watch, police officers recovered 19 stolen cattle, 25 goats and 10 sheep during a 10-day operation in Northern KwaZulu-Natal. In addition, over 20 suspects were arrested.
KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Transport, Community Safety & Liaison Mr Willies Mchunu has applauded the partnership.
The operation, which ran from September 8 to 18, concentrated on wanted stock thieves and issuing fines for failing to comply with the Animal Identification Act. 22 suspects were arrested in areas such as Msinga, Nhlanhleni, Ezakheni, Ekuvukeni, Besters, Van Reenen and Elandslaagte for stock theft related cases, including wanted suspects in stock theft cases.
All the arrested suspects have appeared in various magistrate’s courts.
Operations like these will continue to be conducted to curb the stealing of livestock in KwaZulu-Natal.
“We urge livestock owners to properly brand their livestock for speedy identification purposes and also take precautions to safeguard their livestock while grazing. We commend the substantial recovery of stolen livestock and the arrest of the suspects,” said KwaZulu-Natal provincial commissioner Lieutenant General Mmamonnye Ngobeni.
MEC Mchunu described the operation as commendable work by these units, saying it clearly demonstrates what can be done when communities, police and voluntary crime-fighting organisations work together against crime. “Stock has a high emotional value and attachment for many rural families, and it is the most valued asset that keeps some homesteads going. Therefore, stock theft has a potential to trigger conflict and plunge this province into a serious war,” said the MEC.