
Loving couple celebrate 67 years of blissful marriage

The Adendorffs, who now live happily at the Eventide Mews complex, are an example of loving loyalty in an age when such values are seemingly rare.

One of Dundee’s most-loved couples, retired school teachers Giel and June Adendorff, recently celebrated a remarkable 67 years of marriage. The couple marked the day by attending a luncheon with their son and daughter, as well as their spouses and families, who travelled from Standerton and Lydenberg respectively to be with their parents.
The Adendorffs were married in the NG Kerk Moedergemeente, Dundee, in 1956. Giel, who is now a sprightly 92 years old, was born in Newcastle and later worked at the then Volkskas Bank in Vryheid, where he met June, who was teaching in the same town.
June, née Boshoff, was born on a farm in the Wasbank district 90 years ago and later went into the teaching profession.
Giel says, with a twinkle in his eye, that he decided to quit banking and also take up teaching when he ‘realised how many holidays you get as a teacher’.
He took up a post at Dundee High in 1967, teaching Metal Work and Maths. June taught at Dundee Primary from 1967 until her retirement in 1992, while Giel laid down the chalk a year earlier.
They have two children, Tiaan and Tersia, and three grandchildren.
When asked what their recipe is for a long and loving marriage, Giel, who is also a keen photographer and fisherman, said that ‘travelling and doing everything together is important’.
“We spent many holidays in a tent at Kosi Bay, where my dad loved fishing, and we did everything together as a family,” son Tiaan commented.
The Adendorffs, who now live happily at the Eventide Mews complex, are an example of loving loyalty in an age when such values are seemingly rare.

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