Dundee Courier

Urgent appeal to assist Dundee family who lost everything in fire

The family that was using a room in the house lost everything in the fire the cause of which is not yet known.

An appeal is being made to assist a family left destitute after a fire ravaged a house on Ann Street on Sunday.

Cllr Naresh Gopie who was on the scene said: “We kindly appeal to our community for any assistance they can offer to support this needy family in their time of need. Specifically, we are seeking clothing for a nine-year-old boy, a seven-year-old girl, and a two-year-old boy. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.”

Council Speaker. Cllr A. Nsibande also came to the assistance of the affected family.

Phumlani Ntombela of Disaster Management said the fire team responded rapidly upon receiving the call for help. The fire was contained but the room used by the affected family was destroyed.

Anyone wishing to assist the family can call Mr Ntombela at 065 887 9375.

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