Ladysmith GazetteLocal news

Residents sit without lights and water

Planned maintenance knocks out the power, and see what the latest update is on all the pipe bursts

The power went off a while ago (December 15) in certain areas, in line with the municipality’s plans to conduct repairs and maintenance.

The power cut was planned for 08:00 this morning, but went off at 13:15.

An update on the water situation from uThukela is that their technical team and service provider are currently in the process of carrying out repairs in various sections of Alfred Duma Local Municipality.

In Ezakheni, they are working on the Mthandi area burst pipe. The service provider is on site, but they are encountering challenges including high pressure, which makes it difficult for repairs to be carried out. The pressure is being decreased to allow for effective repairs.

Regarding the burst steel main pipeline between Ezakheni Section C1 and C, uThukela say that sections A, B and D will be affected by water shortages.

Then there’s the major pipe burst in Gelofte Street. Due to the fact that today is a public holiday, uThukela are using one team to attend to all emergency situations. Therefore, repairs could be delayed.

The Ruby Gailey pipe has been sorted out. The only thing that remains is to get material to cross the stream.

Also read: Will water be restored today 

The Egerton area now has water supply, except for North Road, where pressure is low. The pressure is slowly building up.

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Ladysmith Gazette, a sold newspaper distributed in the Ladysmith area. 

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