
Well done to the Good Samaritans who helped the elderly

May the people who support and donate to such projects be infinitely blessed

Editor –

There’s a quote that goes: “To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honours”.

This definitely applies to the organisations that provided for the elderly on pension pay-out days.

SEE IT HERE: Serving the elderly on pension pay-out days

It is very saddening to see the elderly waiting in long queues for long periods of time during pension days and one wonders if they have at least had something to eat or drink, especially those who take medication.

So when I saw the article in the week’s paper, I was overjoyed. That was such a kind and generous thing to do.

I’m sure many of the elderly were grateful. May the people who support and donate to such projects be infinitely blessed.

Estcourt Resident

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