SportVryheid Herald

Goals aplenty as football league kicks off

You can follow the league and get more updates on their Facebook page at ‘AbaQulusi Industrial Football League’.

The AbaQulusi Industrial Football League kicked off on Sunday with teams from areas like Mondlo, Coronation, Bhekuzulu and Shoba.

Even in the icy-cold weather, soccer fans came out in their numbers to show support for their favourite team by cheering from the sidelines.

In Mondlo, Dynamic FC went head-to-head with Phezukwabo FC. Dynamic certainly did not live up to their name and were crushed 13-3 by Phezukwabo.

In the Coronation stream, Stanela FC won 4-1 against Liverpool FC and China Stars went down to Coronation FC.

In the Shoba stream, Ngomane FC triumphed against Paradise FC, while PSG FC won 3-1 against Espirance FC. Linecity FC lost against Two Rivers FC by a two-goal margin.

In the Bhekuzulu stream, Vryheid Liverpool drew 2-2 with Kofifi FC.

AbaQulusi Industrial Football League chairperson Linda Dlamini mentioned that, “The response we are getting from the supporters is amazing. We would like them to continue showing their love to the teams by coming to the different games. We are still registering teams and the closing date is July 15.’’

You can follow the league and get more updates on their Facebook page at ‘AbaQulusi Industrial Football League’.

ALSO READ: Official launch of AbaQulusi Industrial Football League

The news provided to you in this link comes to you from the editorial staff of the Vryheid Herald, a sold newspaper distributed in the Vryheid area.

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