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Gimmies seniors wen provinsiale netbal-toernooi

"Welgedaan, dogters! Julle hou Gimmies se puik netbalnaam hoog!"

Gimmies se o.17 netbal dogters het onlnags die Fast five noordwes kampioenskap gewen.
Dit terwyl die o.15 span as naaswenners van die kompetisie aangewys is.
“Welgedaan, dogters! Julle hou Gimmies se puik netbalnaam hoog!” het die skool oor dié prestasie gesê.
Die o.15 dogters het as naaswenners uit die kompetisie uit getree
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Dustin Wetdewich

I have been a journalist with the herald since 2014. In this time I have won numerous writing awards. I have branched out to sport reporting recently and enjoy the new challenge. In 2019 I was promoted to Editor of the Herald which brings another set of challenges. I am comitted to being the best version of myself.

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