
Heartwarming Easter charity drive leaves Douglasdale beaming

Douglasdale CPF sector two chairperson, Lizzy Mabona said it was heartwarming seeing the community coming together and giving back to those in need.

Douglasdale celebrated the Easter weekend by not only hosting celebrations but by also giving back to the community. On March 29, Douglasdale CPF Sector 2 with World Sports Betting hosted a heartwarming charity drive. At the Vukuzenzele Multi-Purpose Community Centre, Douglasdale CPF Sector 2, in collaboration with World Sports Betting, orchestrated a heartwarming charity drive.

This initiative, which took place at the Vukuzenzele Multi-Purpose Community Centre saw 300 community members receiving croc shoes and Easter eggs, spreading joy and Easter cheer throughout the community.

Speaking on the collaborative effort, Douglasdale CPF Sector 2 chairperson, Lizzy Mabona, expressed her gratitude, stating, “As the Douglasdale CPF Sector 2, our role today was to collaborate with World Sports Betting, the main sponsor of the croc adult, men, women and children shoes and Easter eggs.”

Mabona explained that the partnership symbolised compassion, love and generosity.

She highlighted the involvement of various entities, including Wonderland Nursery School, Vukuzenzele Multi-Purpose Community Center, Lonwabo Security, and the Kya Sands Pipeline Community, underscoring the power of unity in community upliftment.

“It’s heartwarming to see the community coming together to celebrate Easter and give back to those in need. Acts of kindness embody the spirit of Easter, reflect on sacrifice, foster unity, spread joy, and inspire others.”

Mabona explained that the partnership symbolised compassion, love and generosity. “Providing croc shoes and Easter egg chocolates to 300 community members is a beautiful gesture that brings joy and smiles to many people. It’s wonderful to see such acts of kindness during the Easter long weekend.”

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