Today in History: In 1997, a movie was shown on television without commercial interruptions
In 1954 the first mass inoculation against polio is conducted
1997 – U.S.A. Schindler’s List
For the first time ever, a movie had been shown on television without commercial interruptions. The movie the Schindler’s List, a movie about the saving of the lives of Jewish factory workers in Germany, was aired on NBC on this date.
1964 – U.S.A. Drug Bust
In one of the largest drug busts ever the boss is identified a Mexican Ambassador to Bolivia as the mobs boss, Mexico reacted quickly by firing the Ambassador which takes away his immunity to prosecution, he is currently held on illegal trafficking of drugs and faces a lengthy jail sentence. He had been tracked by French Police working with the US enforcement agencies and it was decided the US had stiffer penalties for drug trafficking.
2006 – 4 Indicted in Stolen Human Tissue Case
The owner of a biomedical supply house has been charged, along with three other men, with having carved up corpses, and sold them on for use in transplants across the country. A Brooklyn District Attorney has said that the case was ‘like something out of a cheap horror movie.’ Prosecutors have said that the defendants had obtained the bodies from funeral parlors and forged death certificates, as well as organ donor consent forms. The defendants are said to have made millions of dollars from this.
2010 – 2/3 Population Use Mobile Phones
A new United Nations report says around 4.6 billion in total or two-thirds of the world population now own and use mobile phones.