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Orinea (9) has his first book of short stories published

Orinea Gidi took three months to write and complete the 11 chapters of his short story book titled Adventure with the Boys.

LIMPOPO – Orinea Gidi (9) from Makonde has done his parents and teachers proud by having his first book of short stories published recently. The book is entitled, Adventure with the Boys.

Gidi, a Gr 3 learner at Springvale Primary, loves writing stories.

“I used to write short stories and my parents were impressed with my ability, so I collected all my stories and came up with a whole book about all my adventures and experiences. It is a fun book and I thought I could share it with others,” said Orinea.

The young man is very excited about the book and his parents are very proud of him.

His mother, Musiwa Gidi said Orinea took three months to write and complete the 11 chapters.

“When his father told him he would pay for the book to get published, Orinea was overwhelmed with joy. He asked me to help with the spelling and to check some of the words, but I was forbidden to say anything about him writing a book. I got to know when the first chapter was done, as he asked me to read it, but I told him I wanted to read the whole book when it was done. I did not want to spoil his excitement. We are extremely proud of his achievement,” she said.

To order a copy of Adventure with the Boys send an email to musiwa.gidi@yahoo.com or WhatsApp on 072 677 6018.

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