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Sasol receives awards at Coal Safe Conference

The fuel giant scooped three awards.

Sasol received recognition at the Coal Industry Achiever Awards ceremony held on May 9 in Johannesburg as part of the Coal Safe Conference.

Sasol was awarded for its community development projects and operations safety and received the community development award for Sasol’s electricity upgrade project in eMbalenhle.

Sasol’s Social Labour Plan (SLP) upgraded a substation in eMbalenhle and handed it to the Govan Mbeki Municipality last year.

The fuel giant also walked away with two operations safety awards – Sasol Operational Services and Mobile Assets received one for an injury-free operation for 2023 and one for a fatality-free operation for 28 458 shifts.

Sandile Siyaya, the senior vice president of Sasol Mining, said, “We are honoured to receive first prize in the community development award category and the two prestigious safety awards.

“Also, achieving more than 28 000 fatality-free shifts and maintaining an injury-free record for the 2023 period in our Operational Services and Mobile Assets is a testament to our commitment to the well-being of people.”

The theme for this year’s Coal Safe Conference was Safeguarding today while enabling a sustainable tomorrow, with a focus on the coal mining sector’s endeavours to uphold safety standards with specific reference to the people, the environment and the community in which it operates.

“Sasol cares about the well-being and development of communities in all the regions where it operates,” said Siyaya.

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