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Mali Martin Polokegong Centre in Bronkhorstspruit helps victims

The centre provides safe emergency and temporary accommodation to women and children as described in the Domestic Violence Act, Act No 116 of 1998.

The Mali Martin Polokegong Centre (MMPC) is a haven for abuse victims. This organisation has offices in Bronkhorstspruit, Ekangala, Cullinan and Sokhulumi.

It provides safe emergency and temporary accommodation to women and children as described in the Domestic Violence Act, Act No 116 of 1998.

This includes emotional, verbal and psychological abuse, physical, sexual and economic abuse, intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to property or any other controlling or abusive behaviour.

According to the manager Rudo Mahusa, the vision of MMPC is a community without domestic violence where each home is safe for families to live and develop to its full potential.

The organisation is committed to enforcing the rights of victims as described in the South African Victim’s Charter.

• The right to be treated with respect and dignity
• The right to offer information
• The right to receive information
• The right to legal advice
• The right to protection and
• The right to compensation

The Mali Martin Polokegong Centre (MMPC) started its work on January 6, 2003. Since then, Mali Martin has been operating as a shelter and offering services at Bronkhorstspruit Court.

A management committee, permanent staff members and volunteers ensure the smooth running of the organisation. There was a need for a holistic approach towards the rehabilitation of a family, hence the Perpetrator Programme which has been funded since October 2014.

The programme started operating in Bronkhorstspruit and Ekangala courts. In 2017, Mali Martin began rendering services to victims who report their cases at these police stations, ensuring that victims get assistance immediately and privately in victim-friendly rooms (VFR).

The VFRs are available in Bronkhorstspruit, Ekangala, Cullinan and Sokhulumi. The organisation in 2023 extended its services through the homeless programme.

MMPC provides the following services:
• Basic needs like food, clothing, toiletries and health services
• Protection and safety in a friendly but enclosed environment where women and children can settle down and come to terms with their situation.
• Counselling, support, advice and help services to any member of a family who might be in a risky situation.
• Assisting, encouraging and empowering individuals to focus on their future, whether this involves starting a new life elsewhere, returning to the relationship or reunification with family members.
• Educating and informing the public and voluntary bodies regarding all forms of violence, including partnerships with relevant entities to ensure victims have access to holistic services.
• Beneficiaries are also involved in different developmental programmes, which include HIV/AIDS, parental guidance, skills training activities, and poverty alleviation.
• To assist individuals who have been abusive towards their partners or ex-partners, ensuring they change their behaviour and develop respect towards their partners.
• Provision of assistance and support to victims of crime and violence.
• Rendering services to victims in the victim-friendly rooms.
• To help homeless beneficiaries through safety and support.
• To help beneficiaries find means of sustainability.
• To educate the public and advocate social change.
• To ensure good networking to provide efficient and effective service.
• Referrals to appropriate organisations.

Victims of abuse and violence, can contact the following numbers for help:

Mali Martin Polokegong Centre
Main office: 013 935 8032
Main office cellphone: 073 198 4280
Homeless shelter: 013 932 0029
Homeless shelter cell: 064 038 0840

Contact can also be made with the centre via:
Bronkhorstspruit court: 013 932 3656
Bronkhorstspruit VEC office: 013 932 0732
Ekangala court: 013 934 4004
Ekangala VFR office: 013 934 4029
Cullinan VFR office: 012 736 9028
Cullinan court: 082 086 1798
Sokhulumi VFR office: 071 639 5615

Department of Social Development
Bronkhorstspruit: 013 932 9920
Pretoria: 012 359 3300

The police
Bronkhorstspruit – 013 932 9200 / 22
Ekangala – 013 934 4138
Cullinan – 012 734 0751
Boschkop – 012 802 0909
Welbekend – 011 964 2050

Department of Justice
Bronkhorstspruit – 013 932 2901
Cullinan – 012 734 1989
Pretoria – 012 319 4000

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