Families of the murdered eMbalenhle men wants justice
A 31-year-old police constable, Sibusiso Sibeko from Secunda SAPS, was arrested after surrendering to police in eMbalenhle in connection with the double murder.

The families of Zwelithini Khanyi (43) and Siphiwe Thanjekwayo (24) from Ext 15, eMbalenhle, whose bodies were found dumped near a cattle kraal in Ext 25 on January 11 demand justice for their murder.
According to a family member of Khanyi, who wants to remain anonymous, a woman they know came to their home at about midnight on January 10. She was accompanied by two men, one of whom was introduced as a policeman.
This family member and Zwelithini were the only two people at home that night.
“The policeman asked this woman which one of us was the person they came for, and she pointed at Zwelithini. The cop then asked Zwelithini where the television was.
“My brother said he did not know what they were talking about and he was then told he was being taken for questioning,” said the family member.
“I noticed the policeman was not wearing a uniform, nor did he produce an identification card. I decided to follow them but because the car they were driving was parked 300m away from our home, they drove off with my brother.”
The family went to the police station the next morning.
“We thought Zwelithini might have been arrested and kept in the cells. We were confused when we presented his name and ID and then we were told that no such person was in their book.
“We requested the police to accompany us to the woman who came with two men to our house, but we were told there were no available police vehicles. All the vehicles were on a scene in Ext 25 where two men were found dead.
“We were asked to wait. When a police van arrived, we were taken to this scene to check if Zwelithini might be one of the victims.”
Khanyi was indeed one of the murdered men.
“The woman who came to the house is a neighbour and she had a problem with Zwelithini.”
Vusi Thanjekwayo, Siphiwe’s father, said he can not forget what happened the night before his son’s body was found.
Thanjekwayo said they were awakened at about midnight by people kicking down the house door and storming in.
According to the father, two men went through the rooms in the house, searching for Siphiwe. Thanjekwayo said the people did not identify themselves, but he recognised the woman in their midst.
“We were still in shock when these men just began assaulting Siphiwe. They forced him from the house into the street. Zwelithini was then taken from their car. Siphiwe and Zwelithini were assaulted until they fell into a mud puddle.
“The assailants then put Siphiwe and Zwelithini back into the car and drove off,” Thanjekwayo told Ridge Times.
He went to the police station in the morning to check on his son.
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“The policeman at the charge office disrespected me by telling me that he was busy, so I went back home. A neighbour later came to show me a post on Facebook about the bodies of two men found at Ext 25. There were pictures of the bodies and I recognised my son,” a shaken Thanjekwayo said.
A family member of Zwelithini took Thanjekwayo to the police station.
“A helpful detective, Warrant Officer Melusi Mthombeni, took my statement. He is the investigating officer.”
Thanjekwayo is heartbroken.
“I was not prepared for something like planning my son’s burial.”
Sphiwe was buried on January 18 and Zwelithini on January 19.
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A 31-year-old police constable, Sibusiso Sibeko from Secunda SAPS, was arrested after surrendering to police in eMbalenhle in connection with the double murder.
According to Mpumalanga police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Jabu Ndubane, one of the victims were still alive, although barely, when an elderly woman found them. He died on the scene. The community was alerted, and Emergency Medical Services certified both men dead at the scene.
“Preliminary investigations revealed the victims were hired to work at the home of the constable’s cousin. A TV was allegedly stolen from the property, prompting the cousin to seek assistance from the constable in recovering the stolen item,” said Ndubane.
It is alleged the constable and an accomplice assaulted the victims and left them at the scene. According to police, the second suspect was still at large at the time of going to press.
The case was referred to the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) for further investigation. A parallel internal investigation is also underway.
Sibeko first appeared at the Evander Magistrate’s Court on January 13, and his case was postponed to January 20 for a formal bail application.