Spring workshop for children
PARKTOWN - There will be a Spring Camp programme for children of various ages, ranging from 5 to 17 years, in which they will be taught various aspects of a theatre career.
The National Children’s Theatre in Parktown has opened enrolments for its Spring Camp programme which begins on 12 August.
“We have some new and exciting classes as well as a few which we have been begged to repeat, such as stage combat. All will contain basic techniques in individual as well as group work,” said spokesperson Sydwell Kopedi.
The programme will have a group of children aged five to seven years who will enjoy stories being told and acted by a facilitator, while the programme for those aged seven to nine years covers the basics of signing, dancing, acting, theatre sports and story telling with musical instruments and many more.
The 10 to 12 age group will also cover the basic singing, dancing and acting, including stage combat and mime, while the 13 to 17 will follow additional stepping stones towards a career in theatre, which covers singing, dancing and other topics, including the different aspects of Shakespeare, mime and body language.
Details: 011-484-1584 or cindy@nctt.org.za