UPDATE: EFF compiles landless’ database in prep for land invasions
MARLBORO – On the evening of 23 March, party officials addressed throngs on the registration process they said would continue for as long as the housing need by Alex residents continues.

Update, 26 March, 10am
Alex and other local residents gathered early morning on 25 March for the third consecutive day at the intersection of Far East Bank and Marlboro drives for what the Economic Freedom Front party (EFF) called a registration for land which would be used for housing.
On the evening of 23 March, party officials addressed throngs on the registration process they said would continue for as long as the housing need by Alex residents continues. Branch leader Washington Maponyane said on 25 March that an estimated 5 000 were already registered in a database.
“Those with materials were allocated sites to start constructing in Waterfall View next to Waterval cemetery Midrand,” he said adding that the party and those it registered were prepared to stand their ground against Metro and South African Police gathered next to the site.
Maponyane said the occupation was the last option after failed promises since 1996 to offer residents promised housing.
“Many completed C4 forms for housing, others were allocated shelter at transit camps then and they can’t wait anymore.”
Maponyane said police parked across Marlboro Drive hadn’t confronted the gathering but advised them to act peacefully. Some who registered said they did so from desperation and with reservation as they were sceptical after only submitting copies of their identity document and contact details. “We hope with the election due next year and unlike the government, this is not for electioneering,” said one who requested anonymity.
The Democratic Alliance (DA) party condemned the latest wave of land invasions that had been planned for this past weekend at the vacant Frankenwald Estate owned by Wits University.
In a statement, the DA called for swift action to be taken against Economic Freedom Front (EFF) party members and councillors who reportedly called on Alex residents to invade the land. “The EFF has been encouraging people to break the law, in order to meet their own narrow political agenda. This proves just how reckless they are by wanting the state to own land and not the people. “They are merely using the people of Alex as a means to realise this goal.”
The statement further said while the DA believes in land redistribution and restitution it opposed land invasion or land expropriation without compensation because it would lead to the state owning all land and the people being only tenants on it.
“We want South Africans to own land, not to rent it from a government that has proved to be corrupt and incapable of serving its people.”
What do you think about the registration for land? Share your thoughts with us by emailing ashtynm@caxton.co.za
Update: 25 March, 12.31pm:
Information just in is that Metro police are on standby again today, 25 March, as it is believed that people are ‘registering’ for land in Marlboro and then making their way to a piece of open land in Waterfall to invade the land. More information on this will follow as it comes to light.

Update, 24 March, 1.40pm
The Sandton Chronicle is currently at the scene on Marlboro Drive where groups of people have gathered in an attempted land invasion.
Earlier report, 10.30am
An attempted land invasion is currently taking place in Marlboro near the Far East Bank Drive and Gautrain bridge intersection this morning, 24 March.
Ward 109 councillor, Werner Smit said, “Yesterday [23 March] late afternoon and this morning, large groups of people gathered at the intersection of Far East Bank Drive and the Gautrain bridge to attempt to cross Marlboro Drive and invade the Wits-owned Frankenwald in order to put up shacks.”
“JMPD and Saps has been there in numbers to resist this attempted land invasion.”
The spokesperson for the Metro police, Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar also confirmed Metro police were at the scene.
“Peace, Land and Bread! All Power to the (People)”….Vladimir Lenin pic.twitter.com/9lfwnfnuGM
— @James Sofasonke Mpanza (@SofasonkeMpanza) March 23, 2018

If you have any further information regarding this incident, please email nikitaf@caxton.co.za