“Blue light” kidnapping and hijacking is a frightening criminal tactic where suspects impersonate police officers and end up kidnapping and robbing motorists en route to a destination.
Linda Goodenough, Community Development Manager for Fidelity ADT says the majority of “blue light cases” have been reported on the R59, so motorists on this highway need to be especially vigilant.
“You have to be prepared for your trip and be familiar with the route you want to travel. If you are relying on your cell phone to guide you where you want to go, you need to make sure that you have a battery charger in your car. It is wise to always have a plan B in case the GPS lets you down and decides to take you on the fastest route which is not necessarily the safest.”
Travelling in the evening is obviously the most dangerous time. It is key you use your rear-view mirror at all times to check what is happening around you. “If you are pulled over, let someone know immediately that you are being pulled over. This could be a friend (send a pin drop), or if you have a tracking device it could be an Assist button or Find Me App.
Put on your indicators to acknowledge that you know that they want to pull you off. Ideally slow down a bit, put your lights on bright and hazards to attract attention of any passers-by and drive to the nearest well-lit area if possible. Most garages have cameras and you can phone 10111 en route who could potentially verify the vehicle registration number if it does not belong to SAPS.”
If you have family members and children in the car, try to prepare them without scaring them.
But if it is a hijacking follow these tips:
•Decide today, what is worth more, your life or your car – know that decision up front.
•Obey the hijacker and avoid eye contact.
•Indicate with both hands up at chest level that you are willing to obey. Ensure your fingers are open so that they can see you haven’t got anything in your hands.
•Don’t make any fast or unannounced movements which could startle your hijackers.
•When you receive the order to get out of the vehicles, start with seatbelt. Indicate that you want to undo your seatbelt, so the hijacker knows you have it on, because releasing the seatbelt can make a loud noise that can sound like a gun shot.
•Use your left hand to open the door and remember no jerking movements.
•Alert them of pets or children or anybody else in the vehicle.
•Take in as much info as possible about the other vehicles and things that you can remember about the perpetrators; like tattoos, scars etc. things that
stand out. Paint a picture in your head which you are going to remember.
•This is critical information that you must give to authorities which will help them to put the perpetrators behind bars.