The good die young!
Let's pray for the young ones, they need the prayers now more than ever!
SEDIBENG.- There is a Sesotho Proverb that says: ‘Ngwana o tshwanela ho pata batswadi’, (Parents should be buried by their children, and not the other way around).
Over the years we have lost extraordinary young people in the country, we have been dealt a major blow when looking at their potential and what they could offer the country through their skills. Many had lifelong plans with their God-given talents, for these to have been cut short is really unfair.
Yes, death is unplanned, but it is unfair!
Lately, through suicide (caused by depression), sickness, and the hands of others, more and more young people are dying. In less than ten years, South Africa has buried many young well-known people such as Ricky Rick, HHP, and AKA. These are but a few of the examples of young celebrated South Africans that we have recently buried.
This week, we woke up to the news of the death of Eusebius Mckaiser, a fairly young well-known national broadcaster and a contributor to many newspapers and television programs both nationally and internationally another death that we woke up to this week that has gutted me is that of a former colleague, actor and entertainer, Marietjie Bothma.
Bothma was a star in her own right, she appeared in many national television commercials as the white lady that eloquently spoke Isizulu. She was a darling to many and never ceased to take any opportunity that came her way. Having worked with her for a couple of years, I can profess that she was diligent in her work and was no pushover. The cause of Bothma’s death has not yet been revealed to the public, except that she had been admitted to the hospital over the weekend.
May Your Soul Rest In Peace, for you have run your race.
I am penning this piece having asked myself why is it that these days more and more young people are suddenly losing their lives at an unbecoming rate. The questions that I am asking myself are what is going on? what have the young people done for them to be falling off the face of the earth like flies, one after the other?
One can argue that they are facing tough times, times that they are/were not prepared for, and that they need guidance, guidance in any form or shape. I may agree but argue that they do not need to be dying at such a rapid rate.
Pray for them, if you have to!
Through their social networks, young people have revealed that there are so many challenges that they are facing and that they can not cope. Challenges such as being a celebrity, being unemployed, financial difficulties, and family or relationship problems amongst others.
Young people are the future pray for them, if you have to!
At this present moment my thoughts, and I am sure I am speaking also for many others, are with the families and friends of those that have lost their young heroes and heroines, and I plead with them that they should understand that their deaths affect us all.
Let’s pray for the young ones, they need the prayers now more than ever!
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