MIDVAAL. – Midvaal Local Municipality (MLM) has approved an R1.8 billion 2023/2024 fully funded financial budget which will be geared towards the delivery of services.
This follows Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and draft budget engagements with residents and different stakeholders from across the municipality.
MLM MMC for Finance Services Patricia Hutcheson says: “The Gauteng Provincial Treasury assessed our budget and found the budget to be credible, relevant, and fully funded.
“The budget results from the municipality’s identification of strategic objectives and its efforts to ensure sustainable and exceptional service delivery.”
The municipality lists some of the major projects that will form part of the budget as the electrification of Sicelo and Savanna City, road infrastructure, aged bulk water pipe replacement, and safety and security.
“A total of R50 million has been allocated for the electrification of Sicelo.
R45 million has been allocated from the Integrated National Electrification Programme (INEP) will be used to electrify Savanna City as well as increase electricity capacity.
“Another R45 million and R15 million loan funding will be used for the 3.8km 88KvA line from the Ironside Eskom substation to Savannah City. This will increase capacity to accommodate the expansion of Savannah City.”
For road infrastructure, the municipality has allocated R68.5 million. 5km of roads will be re-surfaced and 2km of roads will be graveled. Rehabilitation is planned for Johan le Roux amongst other roads.
“R64.8 million has been allocated to replace 57km of pipeline which will result in the reduction of water losses.
“A further R21 million has been allocated for the purchase of logging devices and a meter reading system as well as a telemetry pressure management smart controller system to curb the high water losses.”
On safety and security, the MLM has set aside R9 million.
“The crime prevention unit will be equipped with 2 high-speed vehicles. CCTV cameras will be rolled out to the Western and Northern regions with an increase in license plate recognition cameras.”
The MLM said it is confident that it will continue to provide excellent service delivery with the budget.