
Multi-faceted woman from the Vaal.

Mammedi has also entered Miss/Mrs Glamorous plus-size South Africa which will allow her to represent South Africa as a plus-sized lady globally.

SHARPEVILLE. – From the streets of Vaal comes a multi-faceted woman who is into sports and is a plus-size model, and a Sedibeng TVET College alumna.

Ramasia Mammedi is a God-fearing mother of two who is also an inspiring idol for her children.

Being an avid sports fan as a child helped her nourish a positive health-conscious lifestyle that rooted in her DNA. She is a lady with talents, Mmmedi holds a National Higher Certificate in Management Assistant and currently pursuing her Diploma.

She is currently residing and work in East Rand, where she is leaving a mark. Through her unentangling fearlessness and interminable work ethic, she was able to showcase her skills on the Secunda runway of the ‘Thick Queens Fashion Show’ in 2022.

From there point on, she has been participating in fashion shows, including the Soweto Fashion Week; Vaal Fashion Week, which was held a few weeks ago, and she is currently preparing to walk on the ramp for the Dobermin Fashion Show, which features a rising designer who also serves plus-size clients. Mammedi has also entered Miss/Mrs Glamorous plus-size South Africa which will allow her to represent South Africa as a plus-sized lady globally.

Mammedi stated that she set out a new journey in 2021 to redefine beauty norms and expectations, particularly for the plus-size community.

For the sake of helping tackle mental health issues, she wants women to see beyond the limitations of their bodies. Mammedi subsequently competed in the face of plus-size Gauteng beauty pageant for plus-size women. Placing her in the top three and earning her second place. She learned from this organisation that she can surround herself with the best people to have an optimistic outlook. She is able to advocate for youth sports and recreation because of the pageant.

“Because of this opportunity the platform has given me the space to spread the word about the value of sports for our children, I am a member of Vaal Itians Hunters Academy Football team,” said Mammedi.

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