South Coast Fever

Former president campaigns in Sheppie

Although Kgalema Motlanthe received a warm welcome from some people in Port Shepstone, some were not pleased to see him or the ANC.

With a few days left before South Africans cast their votes, the ANC is deploying its big guns to boost its campaign.

This can be seen with its recent deployment of former party leaders and presidents.

The party recently deployed former president Kgalema Motlanthe to join ANC Tolomane Mnyayiza Regional members on a campaign trail in the Port Shepstone CBD and Gamalakhe.

Although Motlanthe received a warm welcome from some people in Port Shepstone, some were not pleased to see him or the ANC.

These people were direct and highlighted their struggles, including unemployment, poverty and crime.

“We started with a walkabout, the people of Gamalakhe are very eager. We visited a few homes. The residents, especially the elders, are very supportive. They remain in the ANC and commit to voting for the ANC,” he said.

Speaking about the top guns being deployed, party spokesperson and member of the National Executive Committee, Dakota Legoete, said as an organisation, they are fully committed to using all tactics at their disposal to counter opposition forces as the elections are nearing.

“Also, in terms of the book Memoirs of an apartheid spy, the ANC was supposed to be in power for only 20 years, and we have been for 30 years, and it’s likely to be 35.”

“As the ANC we can see the opposition and the opponents advancing. We should close ranks, forget all our differences and focus on the campaign. That’s why we are bringing all our stalwarts and former leaders because we all know the ANC is under siege,” said Legoete.


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