IZOTSHA Primary’s 73-strong cross-country team took part in an interschool event at Creston College on Thursday.
The U9, U10 and U11 age groups ran 2km while the U12, U13 and U14 age groups ran 3km.
The Izotsha horse riding team took part in another Sanesa event, qualifier 3,at the Howick Dolcoed Riding Centre recently. Caitlin Upfold was placed first in her working riding class, won her equitation class and was placed third in the novice dressage section. Rachael Upfold was placed sixth in her dressage tests and fourth in working riding, while Rebekah Shipley won her dressage test and working class and was placed fourth in the jumping 2 phase class.
The gr 6 pupils had to design and make a toy which worked with an electric circuit, bulbs, motors or buzzers. A very high standard was achieved by all pupils.
The gr 7 pupils hosted a parents’ and grandparents’ tea party last Friday. Each group of pupils had to choose a theme for their table and decorate it accordingly. A full arts and culture programme was put on to showcase all that has been covered this year.