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Electricity to be restored in Port Shepstone soon, says business forum

Plans are underway to restore power in the next one to two hours.

The Port Shepstone Business Forum (PSBF) has intervened in the labour and electricity crisis in Ray Nkonyeni Municipality.

In a statement released earlier this morning, the PSBF hopes for power restoration in the next one to two hours.

The chairman of the PSBF, Younus Moosa, has been in constant contact with the  municipal manager and other senior officials of Ray Nkonyeni Municipality since the start of the electricity and labour crisis that has led to the trashing of the Sheppie CBD and the 48-hour power outage.

He has offered the forum’s services to try and resolve the labour issue, but more immediately, how to restore power to the town.

The latest update is that external service providers hope to access the substations that have been sabotaged with the assistance of the CPF and private security companies.

Once power has been restored, the same people will provide security to the substations in collaboration with Saps until the situation returns to normal.


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