
Seeking unknown angel

I would love to trace this mother who showed me such kindness at a time when I needed it.

DEAR Editor,-

In December 1983, I gave birth to a baby girl at Parklands Hospital who was transferred to Addington Hospital to have a lifesaving operation, which was most successful, thanks to Professor Nichols, Dr Ken Esterhuizen and the marvellous Sister Marlene Grobbelaar. My baby was in ICU for several weeks. There was another mother there at the same time, who was discharged shortly after we arrived. She gave me a plant with the words “Every year this plant flowers, I will pray for you and you for me”.

I have nursed this plant for 30 years and pray for this unknown women and her baby. This year, I have managed to grow a slip for my daughter, who has just had a baby herself.

I would love to trace the mother who showed me such kindness. She lived in Port Shepstone at the time. Her baby is 30 now and hopefully doing just as well as mine. I know that it is not much to go on, but if anyone can help, please contact me at the details below.

Monika Nell

Tel: 031 3118607

Cell: 0737604050

e-mail: Monika.Nell@durban.gov.za

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