
OPINION: Flash flood – ‘I am proud to be a South Coaster’

SCH Local News | There are so many people who need to be thanked.

What can I say, after another devastating storm, the community has risen again.
Another eye-opener is that we all stand together regardless of race, religion and culture.

There are so many that I need to thank, but I’m worried about leaving anyone out.

To all admins that help take over and assist where help is needed.

The first responders who put their own lives at risk to help others.

To the Saps, security companies, Eskom, law enforcement and all emergency services, you did a tremendous job.

Then last, but not least, you – the community that stands together, the unknown heroes on the group that help.

Buildings and cars can be washed away, but your legacy will stay forever.

I am proud to be a South Coaster, to be part of this group.
You are true heroes, for that, I salute everyone.

South Coast Disaster Community groups


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