Congratulations Graduates of 2021


Kingsway High pleased with performance

KINGSWAY High School continued its academic excellence that they are renowned for, achieving an overall 96% pass rate with 178 candidates who entered and wrote the 2021 national senior certificate examination.

The school is pleased to announce that two of its learners placed in the top 10 in KwaZulu-Natal, with Cade Sanyer placed first overall. The school is extremely proud with this level of achievement from the Class of 2021. The learners achieved 66% bachelor passes, 22% diploma passes and 8% higher certificate passes, with 237 subject distinctions. Ten candidates achieved “A” aggregates.

Kingsway High School and KZN’s top achiever for 2021 is Cade Sayner with a 95.43% average, followed by Neha Ramjuan, 94% average and placed ninth in KZN, Aron Ramiah, 94% average, and Tyrese Naidoo, 91% average. These four candidates each achieved seven A’s. In fifth place is Yusuf Hajat (88% average). Cade Sayner achieved the top marks in physical science (99%), mathematics (99%), accounting (98%) and Afrikaans first additional language (96%). Amy Henwood achieved top marks for mathematical literacy (98%), Neha Ramjuan achieved the top marks in English (96%). Aron Ramiah achieved the top mark in life science (93%) and life orientation (94%). Yusuf Hajat achieved the top mark in dramatic arts (95%). Taegen Moodley achieved the top mark for history (93%). Christine Pillay achieved the top mark for tourism (91%). Luyanda Zwane achieved the top mark for isiZulu first additional language (91%). Sashin Naidoo achieved the top mark for engineering graphics & design (90%).

Kingsway High School is exceptionally proud of all its learners and their achievements. The school wishes to place on record its appreciation to the Department of Education for maintaining good standards for the examination process. The school’s governing body thanks the Class of 2021 for its outstanding achievement, despite the pandemic and salutes the academic staff, who went the extra mile to support the Grade 12 learners. It takes a village to raise a child, and we also acknowledge the role of the primary schools in the success they see at Kingsway High School level. It is a well-known fact that the quality of results at the end of Grade 12, are massively impacted by the quality of teaching and learning in the foundation phase. Kingsway High School also congratulates our neighbouring schools on their fine achievement. The Amanzimtoti community can be most proud of its excellent high schools.

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Grit, guts and glory saw Toti High through

CONGRATULATIONS to all our 2021 Grade 12 learners.

This group of matrics persevered and excelled through the challenges that Covid-19 brought into their academic and personal lives. Despite the hardships this group of young people faced, they showed tenacity and dedication which played a huge role in their success story. The principal, staff, and the school governing body (SGB) are immensely proud of the Grade 12 Class of 2021. The school also want to congratulate its fellow Amanzimtoti schools, Kuswag Skool and Kingsway High School on their excellent results.

To every person who played a role in the success story of our Class of 2021, every single Grade R teacher, primary school teacher, high school educator, parent, supporter and SGB member who played a role in this journey, you are saluted. Matrics of 2021, may you take the “Grit, Guts and Glory” that you have learned in your years at Amanzimtoti High School into your future and excel in everything that you do. With backpacks ready, lunch-boxes packed, pencil-cases stocked, clean school shoes and bright smiling faces, Amanzimtoti High School learners are excited for what 2022 holds in store.

After a tough two years in which learners, parents and educators have persevered, we all look forward to a bright and busy year. The school is privileged to be able to start in full force with its wide range of sports, cultural and character-building activities. This past weekend they welcomed the Grade 8 learners, who had some fun camping at the school and getting to know the school grounds and their peers, as well as the teachers, who will be guiding them throughout their high school journey. The Grade 12 learners, together with their parents, also had their orientation and guidance meeting this past week. The teachers are committed to help each learner reach their potential and excel in their high school career. Other exciting news to look out for – the cultural activities have started with a bang.

The musical auditions will be held soon and the sports field is also bustling with summer sports programme such as netball, athletics, water polo, rugby, hockey, cross country, cricket, chess, golf, swimming, tennis, surfing and bodyboarding, practises that have aready begun. Amanzimtoti High School welcomes a few new faces and look forward to their contribution in helping them guide, educate and inspire learners. Their open day will be held later in term 1 and 2023 application details will be available on the website, Facebook page and Instagram site shortly. Keep an eye out for all of the latest events, photos and news!


n Nuwe begin

KUSWAG Skool kondig met trots die aanstelling van die nuwe skoolhoof, Martin Prinsloo aan.

Die skool se beheerliggaam, bestuur, personeel, ouers en leerders is baie opgewonde om hierdie pad saam te stap.

Prinsloo het sy loopbaan begin in die regswese. Hy was hoof griffier van die KZN hooggeregshof en het as ‘n prokureur vir 16 jaar gepraktiseer. Daarna het hy die onderwys wêreld betree waar hy die afgelope 11 jaar departementele hoof by ‘n plaaslike laerskool sowel as waarnemende onderhoof by een van die plaaslike hoërskole was.

“Dit is vir my ‘n groot voorreg om as trotse oud-Kussie terug te keer na my alma mater toe. Dit is hier waar ek vanaf 1983 tot 1994 my skoolloopbaan voltooi het.

Dit was vir my wonderlik om ‘n leerder van Kuswag Skool te wees. Ek dank ons Here Jesus vir sy leiding en wysheid, asook my familie vir hul ondersteuning wat my tot hierdie punt in my lewe gebring het.

Dit is vir my voorneme dat ons as Kussies saam ‘n strewe van uitnemendheid gaan toepas in alles wat ons doen by Kuswag. Ek sien met opgewondenheid uit na die volgende hoofstuk van Kuswag en saam gaan ons ‘net ons beste’ gee,” het Prinsloo gesê.

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