THE family of Wayne Brenner (23) is still trying to piece together how he fell off the rooftop at Toti Mall at about midnight on Sunday, 28 July.
“My son is lucky to be alive as he has serious injuries. He fractured his left femur and sustained multiple facial fractures. All the bones in his face are broken, except his nose and forehead,” said his mother Darlene Brenner.
Wayne is recovering in King Edward Vlll Hospital. “The doctors have not operated as yet, as they are waiting for the swelling to come down.” The incident occurred after Wayne left Dolphin Bowl in Beach Road just before midnight and was using the mall rooftop as a shortcut to his parents’ home in Bernadotte Street.
“Wayne can’t recall what happened, but we believe he may have been either assaulted or chased. He wasn’t robbed as his wallet and cellphone were on him. The only thing missing was a takkie, which we haven’t found after a thorough search of the area.”
Wayne was discovered by an employee of the service station, who heard his cries of pain hours later. His family were alerted to the incident at about 5.50am. The family is urgently calling on witnesses to contact them. If anyone has information, contact Darlene on 082-453-5504.