‘Look closer to home’ in beach clean-up month
The Toti Conservancy committee met on Monday, 19 August to plan for the coastal clean-up taking place in Toti on Saturday, 21 September.

“During September there is a lot of focus on environmental issues around the world,” said Toti Conservancy vice-chairman, Rev Andrew Manning. “The conservancy encourages people to become more aware of detrimental activities that pollute our rivers and beaches and negatively affect our sensitive environment and tourism, health and the sense of place that makes this home of ours such a wonderful place to live in.
We were reminded of the interconnectivity of the environment, both natural and built, and the impact that one activity has on another. Dealing with illegal dumping in seemingly hidden spots, illegal sand mining, general litter and other pollutants was essential to our ecosystem as a whole.
Although the current focus is from Kingsway to the beaches, everything upstream of that has an impact and the conservancy encourages all residents to do whatever they can, by all means that they can to be held accountable and to hold others accountable for the way that we live and act. Our actions affect others either negatively or positively. Let’s make September a positive time in our community as we show that we care for our home.”
The conservancy thanks DSW, KZN Ezemvelo Wildlife, Wessa, the three Toti Lions clubs, Rotary, Toti and Umbogintwini Scouts, Kingsway High School and the Anglican Church that have committed to this campaign, along with all the conservancy committee members.
Get involved by contacting Rev Manning on 082-370-4702 or Corinne on 031-811-6412.