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New dealerships bring motor city to Twini

Toti will soon boast its own motor city.

Work on three new dealerships, measuring about 2,000 square metres each, is already underway on the parcel of land between Galleria and Arbour Crossing. The three vehicle dealerships include Great Wall Motors (GWM), Honda and a multi-brand one featuring Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Fiat and Alfa Romeo.

“GWM is halfway built and will open this year and the two others early next year,” said Arbour Town representative, Holger Peens. “We are in negotiations with a fourth dealership.”

The dealerships are built to spec. “Initially the plan for that space was to build high-rise residential units, but council directed us towards more commercial use. I liked the idea as it is a prime location. There are also plans to expand towards the highway if more dealerships come on board. The site is well suited for it and there is space for five more dealerships.”

The coastal hill will remain undeveloped as that was part of the final environmental impact assessment conditions. “We will place a non-user servitude on it. We are also involved in a project to remove alien vegetation in that coastal forest. There is potential for Galleria to expand without touching that forest.”

Another massive development in the area, Makro is almost ready to open its doors. “Makro opens on Tuesday, 24 September and it’s very exciting. I believe it’s a great catalyst in the area for further expansion. All-in-all it will speed up progress in the area.”

Three sets of traffic lights have been erected along Arbour Road to deal with the increased traffic. One set is at the Makro entrance, one at the Chicken Licken intersection and one at the intersection of Dickens Road and Arbour Road.

Good news for Athlone Park residents frustrated by the lack of southbound access onto the N2 is construction of the Dickens Road on-ramp will commence early next year.

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