In case of emergency [PHONE NUMBERS]
Amanzimtoti police station 031-9131308/10
Ward 97 councillor, Andre Beetge supplied the following numbers for use in cases of emergency.
For power outages, downed electricity poles and cables, or any disaster situation, contact the Emergency Services Call Centre on 031-361-0000 or Cllr Beetge (ward 97) on 082-718-8137.
Advertising and signage 031-311-7055
Aids helpline 080-001-2322
Air pollution 031-311-3122 or 031-361-0000
Ambulance (private) 084 124 or 082-911
Ambulance (public) 101-77
Cable theft 031-311-9611
Development planning 031-311-7883
Development management 031-311-7881
Electricity services (including streetlights and robots) 080-131-3111
Emergency services 031-361-0000
Environment 031-311-7875
Engineering service (metro police, fire, disaster management) 080-131-3013
eThekweni revenue 031-328-1200
Health 031-311-3555
Illegal dumping 0313031665 or 031-311-8804
Ombudperson 080-020-2020
Parks, leisure and cemeteries 031-322-4000 or 031-361-0000
Refuse removal 031-311-8804
Regional centre (Sizakala) 080-033-1011 or 031-311-1111
SAPS 10111
Amanzimtoti police station 031-9131308/101.