Help make Christmas extra special for Jabulani residents
Shoeboxes will be filled with various items and will be gifted to the 81 residents during the festive season.

HELP spread Christmas cheer for the residents at Jabulani – the Kingsburgh Welfare Organisation for the Aged by supporting its shoebox appeal.
Organiser of the Jabulani Christmas Shoebox Appeal, Reena Solomon, said, “It’s nearly Christmas, and for many, it’s a sad time of the year when you are alone or forgotten. I would like to ask for your help in making this time extra special, by putting together a Christmas shoebox for the 81 residents (51 women and 30 men) of Jabulani senior citizen’s residence in Warner Beach, who all live on Sassa pensions.”
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So far, 75 shoeboxes have been pledged, with six more to go. “Thanks to everyone who has pledged so far, but we are really worried that we are not going to reach our target. If you, your company or school are able to pledge a box or two or deposit R250 towards a box, it will help us reach our target,” said Reena.
Although Christmas is three months away, Reena started the appeal early to make it easier on people’s pockets.
“Now you can start buying an item or two off the list every month,” she said.
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Suggested items that can be used to make up a box: toiletries, Sudoku, crosswords, adult colouring books, hankies, socks, a magnifying glass, pens, crayons, playing cards, boiled sweets, a coffee mug and so forth.
If you would like to support but live out of town or do not have time to put a shoebox together, Reena and Jabulani will do the shopping on your behalf.
Drop-off will be before December 5, and drop-off points will be advised closer to the time.
For more information, to pledge or make a donation, contact Reena Solomon at
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