Isipingo takes a stand against crime
A meeting between various stakeholders was held to reactivate partnerships and reaffirm commitment in fighting crime.

ISIPINGO faces high crime levels, which has prompted collaborative efforts among the local SAPS, community members, community police forums (CPF), businesses and security partners for a safer community.
Communications officer and CPF coordinator for Isipingo Police Station, Constable Donald Naidoo, said Isipingo has always experienced considerably high levels of crime.
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“For Isipingo to stand a chance of turning the tide against this crime wave, meaningful partnerships needed to be reactivated, and commitment in fighting crime needed to be reaffirmed with community members, businesses, security forces and crime prevention specialists,” he said.
Naidoo said there is no way that the Isipingo Police Station has enough manpower, skills or physical resources to deal with the various types of crime.
“Forming partnerships is the only way to tackle crime in a constructive way, therefore, a meeting was held to enforce working together with one objective – winning back Isipingo,” he said.
Naidoo said the meeting was addressed by Colonel Hensford Msawenkosi Zama, the station commander of Isipingo Police Station, and Junaid Iqbal, the chairperson of Isipingo CPF.
The executive committee also received jackets and caps from the Department of Safety and Security.
“Security companies that reaffirmed their commitment to working together to make Isipingo a crime-free area were Alpha Security, Boss Security, Mzanzi Security and PT Alarms,” he said.
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