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Non-bowlers invited to join club

The monthly mixed trips competition which was scheduled for 29 September has been postponed to 5 October due to bad weather.

ALL competitions were well-supported during the week at Winklespruit Bowling Club.

The week’s highlight was the re-implementation of the monthly Scroungers which took place on Wednesday, 24 September with 18 members taking part in the competition.

Martin Young won the Champion of Champions trophy. The ‘Plate A’ trophy winner was Elmarie Young and Harry van Vuuren won the ‘Plate B’ trophy. Sandy Snyman walked away with the 100 board draw. On Thursday, 25 September, the monthly men’s nominated pairs 2-4-2 was played. The second session winners were George Cormack and Mac Mackrory. The overall winners were Bill Rawlinson and Colin Coetzee. The 100 board winner was Steve Evenwel who also joined the Winklespruit Bowling Club.

The monthly mixed trips competition which was scheduled for 29 September has been postponed to 5 October due to bad weather. The 100 board was however drawn and won by Jonty Denyssen.

The club invites non-bowlers to join the social club. Take your family and friends, watch the rugby and enjoy a bring and braai afterwards. The bar will be open.

Call Mike Kruger on 082-788-6429. Diarise the following competitions: Monthly twinkle trips on Wednesday, 8 October. Call Norma Raath on 082-394-6340. Monthly men’s trips on Thursday, 9 October. Call Brain Famer on 083-478-3467. Monthly mixed 2-4-2 on 12 October. Call Brian Famer on 083-478-3467. As from 3 October, the Summer time twiglight bowls will be 2.15pm for 2.30pm and the social bowls will be 1.45pm for 2pm. The green will be closed for maintenance as from 27 October for four weeks. Birthday wishes for the week to everyone. The club wishes all ill members a speedy recovery.

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