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Blood donors sought in Women’s Month

IN honour of Women’s Month, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) urges people to donate blood, especially for mothers and children who are dependent on blood transfusions for their survival.

Research indicates that about 36% of blood collected by SANBS is used for women who lose blood during childbirth, in gynaecological cases and in paediatric cases.

29-year-old Sbongile Nelly Mthimunye is one of these women. In March, 2010 she began suffering from severe pain during her menstrual period, walking became difficult and she suffered substantial blood loss, leading to her being hospitalized.

“At the time when people were celebrating South Africa hosting the World Cup, I lay sick in hospital. My doctor diagnosed me with endometriosis, which caused the severe bleeding and swelling in my womb. I was also told this could make me infertile. It was difficult receiving the news – I was terrified at the thought of not having my own family.”

Endometriosis is a gynecological illness that can be treated in many ways, although it can’t always be wholly cured. Blood transfusions are necessary in the treatment and Sibongile received two blood transfusions.

Three years later, with her condition stable, Sibongile is expecting her first child. “My life was saved, God blessed me with good health and now I am expecting a miracle baby. I am truly grateful, the experience made me a better person in that I appreciate and value life more. That’s why for as long as I can, I will always donate blood.”

Blood stock levels have improved significantly during the winter months, and SANBS thanks the public for their donations. Even though blood levels are stable, the need for blood is never diminished, with the services functioning with a supply of 3.9 days.

One unit of blood can save up to three lives and if a person donates blood four times a year, this can save up to 12 lives. Donors must be aged 16 to 65 years, weigh more than 50kg, be in good health and lead a sexually safe lifestyle.

To find the nearest donor centre call 0800-119-031 or visit www.sanbs.org.za or search for SANBS on Facebook or Twitter.

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