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Senior citizens club revisits second childhood

As Dave was to have arranged a music quiz for entertainment, which was now not possible with his hospitalisation, Jean arranged for a beetle drive.

MONTCLAIR Senior Citizens Club’s meeting was opened by Roy with devotions.

He reminded members that “Whatever we do for Jesus is never useless”.

Abbey then welcomed all and advised she was chairing the meeting as Dave was unwell and in hospital. All send messages to Dave for a speedy recovery. Those with birthdays this month were wished well for their special day. Colin shared a joke, before numbers were drawn for the six raffle prizes on offer. Thereafter tea and refreshments were enjoyed.

As Dave was to have arranged a music quiz for entertainment, which was now not possible with his hospitalisation, Jean arranged for a beetle drive. One and all were transported back to their second childhood as much fun and laughter was heard as dice were thrown, all trying for a six to get started. Those managing to complete their beetle first were rewarded with a chocolate.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 13 October.

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