Conman makes the rounds on the Bluff [LETTER]
He left the lower value goods in a plastic bag, with you, supposedly to be paid when more money arrives.
EDITOR – Please advise Bluff residents that there is a conman active on the Bluff.
He is a slim built, middle aged, well-spoken, Indian man who says that he is looking to buy old coins and jewelry. For credibility, he even has a small (working) electronic scale to weigh gold pieces.
He starts off and actually pays for some of your goods and then asks for you to bring more. He selects some good value pieces and calls his colleague or boss on his cellphone to bring more money.
He then asks for a drink of water and while it is fetched, he snuck out the gate with some better value articles. He left the lower value goods in a plastic bag, with you, supposedly to be paid when more money arrives.
Once out the gate, he is not seen again. If he approaches you, take a photo of him and get his name and cell phone number. Call it to verify it. He will probably avoid this and leave.
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